Sunday, February 3, 2019

Preparation for Movie Intro

This week Scott and I did several things to plan for the future videoing of our movie intro. We discussed the location. We desired the intro to be filmed in a classroom, preferably our Literature classroom. The classroom has very interesting lighting with the windows and had bookshelves that will add to the background. Similarly, we made a Literature Test prop for the video. The plan is to have a group of students taking this fake exam alongside the main character. The main actor will by Scott Martin. The story will surround his struggle to take his Literature Test and the discovery of his newfound ability to freeze time. Another prop will be a water bottle. The water bottle will be used to make Scott seem sweaty while he is taking the Test as well as to wet some of the Test papers while he wanders around.

Scott and I decided to have non-diegetic sound in the form of a voice over. The voice over will represent Scott's mind in an otherwise quiet classroom. There will also be the sound of a clock ticking that will increase in volume slowly to emphasize time. As for costumes, it will remain the same throughout with normal/casual clothing. As the only voice that will actually be heard is Scott's voice, there will not be any other character speaking, therefore he is the only one that will have a script. For film equipment, we plan on using one of the Video Recorder Camera's in the classroom and a tripod if necessary. The first part of the video does not need to be done on the same day as the rest of filming. In order to maintain continuity, the filming involving the characters must be done as quickly as possible to avoid having separate days. With separate days there will be separate costumes which will affect the continuity of the video.

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