Thursday, January 17, 2019

Notes & Brainstorming

Notes: The videos I watched contained very useful ideas and information that I can use for my own film. I learned that the transitions of the film can be very useful and well done if timed properly with music. Transitions can make an intro very interesting as they can show the variations in emotions or events. The transitions can also be helpful with creating movement within the film to "fill up" empty time. Music is also very useful as it can make a boring scene have more emotion and be much more interesting. Dialogue isn't necessary in the intros either, the entire intro can be done completely silent except for music. It isn't necessary to introduce the conflict in the beginning. The hardest part of the whole introduction is that it is only the start of the film and must act like such. Credits are also necessary and the introduction can stop abruptly.

Brainstorming: Through brainstorming I came to the conclusion that my film will have strong transitions. The scenes will transition from place to place while music will play in the background. There may be a voice-over and music rather than seeing the character actually speak. There will also be no conflict in the introduction as it will only be distracting and a waste of time. As it will be action comedy, the idea will involve a super hero. The superhero will discover that he can randomly stop time. The entire intro will be this discovery and will skip through portions of the day as he discovers the extent and instability of his power.

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