Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Why I Chose Action Comedy as My Genre

Action comedy has always been one of my favorite genres. Action comedy manages to juxtapose seriousness and humor throughout the story. Characters still develop throughout, but there is much more leeway for entertainment. The unique events and incredible characters are aspects of action comedy that are essential to the genre as a whole. Some Action comedies also tend to break the fourth wall frequently.
Deadpool is a very famous example of the action comedy genre. The opening scene contains many serious moments that are primarily used for humor. The opening credits contain images that contrast the typical superhero film. The music used in the opening credits is also very soft and different than the violent scenes occurring in the background. Likewise, rather than normal credits the archetype of each character is stated which brings further humor. This sets up the theme of the movie with it's serious yet humorous foundation. In the continuation of the intro, Deadpool breaks the fourth wall, which rarely occurs in film. Deadpool directly speaks to the audience and also references Wolverine in a grotesque manner. Deadpool, however, is not a hero. Deadpool is an antihero and is very violent as can be seen with his attitude towards "bad guys." The opening of Deadpool is fantastic and is designed to be different from other superhero movies. In the current state of movies, Marvel dominates the superhero film industry with their super intricate story lines. Deadpool fits into this universe but does so in it's own way. Deadpool is a movie of it's main character and the feelings experienced mimic those the character portrays. Deadpool succeeds in creating comedy and through this it brings the audience, and me, to continue watching the film.
Scott Pilgrim VS The World is also a great example of the action comedy genre. The intro is rapid paced and follows a graphic novel styled theme. The characters still follow basic archetypes and even have nicknames for their role in the movie. The conversations are also very cringe inducing as there is subtle tension between all the characters and their odd personalities. The opening credits follows a paint-like background while the band's rock music plays in the background. The music is quite awful in this opening scene but regardless, the naïve Knives enjoys the performance. The scenes in he opening switch quickly and there is often multiple levels of movement in the background. On the surface there may be a conversation, but in the background some contrasting event takes place. In these ways, the intro of Scott Pilgrim is very entertaining. The action portion of the film occurs much later, but the intro introduced the strange characters and peculiar logistics of the movie's universe. It drew me in from it's graphic novel style editing, the unique characters, and the sudden transitions.

Action comedy is a smaller genre compared to the Action and Comedy genres. The audience for these films are much more niche as Action comedy films do not target the whole population like other Blockbuster films. They are much more intricate and follow an entirely different style in comparison to the rest of modern cinema. I personally enjoy them because they break the fourth wall and play with their own story and universe. Each movie has an entirely different style and manages to contain seriousness, but also -keeps the story very light-hearted.

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